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This weeks' learning:

Maths Watch the videos then have a go at the questions on the sheets uploaded.
Day 1: Recap Add mixed numbers
Day 2: Add fractions
Day 3: Recap Subtract mixed numbers
Day 4: Subtract fractions
Day 5: Mixed addition and subtraction

In English this week, we will be doing some topic writing. We will be planning our writing and researching the information to include in the writing. 
I have uploaded 2 sources of information about Earthquakes, you could also re-watch the Oak National academy lesson on earth quakes from last week to learn more about them. Look through the information and then record the information of what you have found out about:
* What is an earthquake?
*Where do earthquakes occur?
*What causes earthquakes to happen?

Record any fascinating facts using bullet points and you can share your ideas with the rest of the class here. You could use the Question sheet prompt to help you structure your findings. Keep this information for when we find out more facts and to help you with your extended writing. 
Have a go at drawing and labelling an earthquake site. Use the diagram to help you. Copy the drawing and label. Then check your answers. 

SPaG: Words ending in able
1. Look at the -able powerpoint to learn about this word ending.
2. have a go at spelling these words from the LCWC sheet
3. Use the poster of able words. Put the words in a sentence. 

SPaG: Silent letters
1. Look at the silent letters powerpoint to learn more about them.
2. On paper, have a go at the silent letter activity. Draw a table on your paper to record your answers. Then read the story and correct the spellings in the story. 

Each day, read your books on Bug club. Don't forget to answer the questions where you see the bug.
Then have a go at the uploaded comprehension text (Tim Peake).  Choose a 1 star, 2 star or 3 star comprehension text to complete.

Y5 & 6 Ancient Greeks Retrieval Quiz


Use this board to share how you are keeping well in isolation. You can share kind messages to other members of Y5/6, or even pictures of things you have created at home! Keep safe and keep smilingsmiley

Miss Chan's Challenge is LIVE 

Files to Download

'Through respect for all,


in a safe and supportive community, we celebrate our diversity and reach for success in all we do'.


Springfield Primary School

Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ

Main Contact:Admin Assistant | Mrs Kim Kilham-Heeks

School Business Manager | Ms Joanne Hannay