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This week's suggested timetable:


This week we would like you to look at the maths work from your year group. As usual, please watch the introductory video then complete the questions from the uploaded worksheet.  


Day 1: Area and perimeter
Day 2: Shapes - same area
Day 3: Perimeter on a grid
Day 4: Perimeter of rectangles

Day 5: Perimeter of rectilinear shapes

Flashback 4


Day 1: Area and perimeter
Day 2: Shapes - same area
Day 3: Area of a triangle (1)
Day 4: Area of a triangle (2)

Day 5: Area of a triangle (3)

Flashback 4

As usual, we have uploaded the answers for this week's activities so you can mark your own. Play the roll of the teacher! You can mark it before sending it to us. We will then have a look at how you have done, and feedback as soon as we are able.  We can help with any misconceptions you may have.


Retrieval Practice: Y5 & Y6 arithmetic paper. Remember, if it was a test in school you would have 15 minutes to compete the paper.


Sumdog Sheffield Maths Contest - started last Friday and runs until 8pm this Thursday (11th March).            How will you do? Will you get your name on the leader board?




Bug Club: You have a range of levelled books in your Bug Club library. Remember, wherever you see a bug there is a question waiting to be answered!

Reading Comprehensions:

The Stone People Reading Comprehension. (Slightly easier)

Benjamin Franklin Reading Comprehension. (Slighter harder)

Reading for pleasure: This week's, 'Author of the Week' in the Virtual Library is Katherine Rundell. CLICK HERE to listen to her book 'The Good Thieves'. You can also watch an exclusive video about her £1 World Book Day book, Skysteppers, discover her top three children's books, watch a video about The Good Thieves and hear her top reading tips.



Day 1: Weekly spellings. Please make sure you understand the meaning of each word. 

Y5: Homophones and near homophones.

Y6: Word families.

Day 2: CLICK HERE to learn what an acrostic poem is. Write an acrostic poem about a wave.

Day 3 and 4: Plan, research and present an information text on jellyfish. Use uploaded the features of information text and ideas for subheadings to help structure your writing. 

Day 5: Look at the uploaded 'Time Traveller' TASK. Read the story starter and continue the writing. Use the 'Question Time' to help you with ideas for your writing. Aim to write for 30 - 40 minutes and produce at least a page of A4. You may want to read your finished piece to someone in your family and see what they think. We look forward to reading them too.



Monday: CLICK HERE for PE with Joe Wicks

Thursday: Try these workouts on GoNoodle Chillaxing Around Town With Happy Ninjas  and Power up



Use the fine motorskills we practised with the line drawings to draw jellyfish. Also make jellyfish collages. 

Use the uploaded Art tasks 1 & 2 to help you with instructions, ideas and WAGOLLS.



This week we will be looking at 'Making Choices' and learning how to make a judgement and decide whether to take a risk. You need to play the POWERPOINT first before completing the TASK. 



Your final week on Pulse and Rhythm.  Download the sheets and CLICK HERE for the video.



CLICK HERE to revise the French vocabulary of farm animals, play the games to practise and then take a quick test.



Continue to use this board to share where you have been in the world. Were you on holiday there? Visiting family? Perhaps you could share a photograph of your favourite memory from there. Please remember to put your name, and your reason for being there.

Can you find where the teachers have been? Post a comment or ask a question to show you have found our 'pins'.


Files to Download

'Through respect for all,


in a safe and supportive community, we celebrate our diversity and reach for success in all we do'.


Springfield Primary School

Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ

Main Contact:Admin Assistant | Mrs Kim Kilham-Heeks

School Business Manager | Ms Joanne Hannay