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This week's suggested timetable:

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Remember to practise your timestables and spellings each day.
The Y3/4 and Y5/6 National Curriculum words can be found in the 'Reading and spelling key words' tab at the top of the Year 5/6T class page.


Day 1:
Click HERE to recall your decimals practise - What are decimals? and complete the activties. 
Day 2:
Click HERE to recall your angles practise - What is an angle? and complete the activties. 
Day 3:
Flash back, Click HERE for Hit the Button to practise your mental maths, Times Table Rock Stars to practise your times tables. 
Day 4
: Complete the uploaded arithmetic test and then check your answers.
Day 5:
Click HERE to practise multipying decimals by 10, 100, 1000 and complete the quiz and activties. 


Day 1: 
Bug Club: You have a range of levelled fiction, non-fiction and poetry books in your Bug Club library. Remember, wherever you see a bug there is a question waiting to be answered!
Day 2:
 Stage 5: The highwayman  Reading Comprehension or for an easier text try Stage 4: The Beanstalk Giant  or Stage 3: Strange Predators. Or, complete all three. 
Day 3:
Read, 'The Decider' and complete the questions.
Day 4:
Bug Club
Day 5:
First News


SPaG - Figurative Language 
Day 1:
Time to test your spellings - Read it aloud, cover it up, write it down and then check. How many can you spell correctly.
Day 2
: A simile compares two things using the words 'like' or 'as'. CLICK HERE to practise writing similes for description. 
Day 3: 
A metaphor is the figurative device that compares something directly with something else in order to create a resemblance.  Read the uploaded POWERPOINT and then complete the uploaded 'Matching TASK' afterwards.    
Day 4:
Giving human feelings and actions to objects or ideas is called personification. Find out more HERE. Complete the uploaded TASK.        
Day 5:
Read the uploaded POWERPOINT 'Understanding Figurative Language'. Can you correctly identify the type of figurative language in the quiz at the end?

Retrieval Practice: Complete the uploaded SPaG mat. 


Day 1:
 Test yourself on the silent letter spellings. Did you get them correct? Which did you get wrong and why?
Day 2:
What do you know about highwaymen? Make a list. Click HERE and HERE to find out more information to help you.
Day 3:
Read the narrative poem, 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyles on the PowerPoint and the uploaded poem (it comes in two parts).. Look up the unknown words that have been uploaded using a dictionary or iPad to get their meaning. CLICK HERE to see how to use a dictionary. 
Day 4:
Review the poem storyline again. What happens? What do we know? Have a go at acting out each of the characters actions. What are they thinking and feeling?
Day 5: 
Re-read the first 3 lines of the poem. Choose one of the 3 lines to illustrate, using paint, inks, chalks pastels or coloured pencils or if you haven't any of these a pen or pencil. Add your chosen line to your illustration.




Monday: It's all about getting active and exercising regularly at home.  CLICK HERE for a workout that will help to build your muscles, strengthen your bones and improve your flexibility.

Thursday: CLICK HERE and/or HERE and get your dancing shoes on with GoNoodle. 



This week it is Science week! We start off with a Science Week Introduction Assembly on Monday.  We will be focusing on science but still staying with our topic, 'Living Things and Their Habitats' including 'Classification'. We will be sharing what we have learnt in a presentation lasting 2 to 5 minutes to the whole school on Friday.  

Click HERE to start with this warm up activity.

There are millions of different types of animals and splitting them into groups such as mammal, amphibian, reptile, etc. does help to identify them, but there are many other ways of grouping animals within each group according to their characteristics. Read the uploaded POWERPOINT and then complete the uploaded

TASK INSECTS - Stick the Insect Cards into groups you have chosen on a large sheet of paper then label each group.

TASK A BIRDS -  Stick the Bird Cards into groups you have chosen on a large sheet of paper then label each group. 
When finished, you could try answering the questions on worksheet A. 

TASK B MAMMALS - Stick the Mammal Cards into groups you have chosen on a large sheet of paper then label each group. 
When finished, you could try answering the questions on worksheet B.



Causes of crime: What is a crime? There are many reasons why people commit crime. Some of these causes have always existed, such as greed, poverty and economic distress. Other causes of crime have changed since 1500. What have been the main causes of crime over time? Click HERE to watch the video and learn m ore. You can even test yourself. 



This week we are still looking at the Rights of the Child with the focus of in the classroom.  Read through the uploaded POWERPOINT, and then complete the TASKS on the second and fourth slides.



This week, we will be learning about the weather.  Go through the uploaded POWERPOINT and complete the uploaded task.



Find out about the notable highwayman Dick Turpin in this song in this cool Horrible Histories parody song!  CLICK HERE to listen to and learn the song, 'Stand and Deliver!' 



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