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Would you like to practise your French? Are you new to our school and would like to catch up at home? On this page you can find out some of the French words that we learn in each class. There are some video links to help you.



Y2 learn how to greet people in French. We learn to follow some classroom instructions and name some colours and animals as well as give opinions. 

Greetings song in French

Bonjour song

Je m'appelle Funny Bear song

Old MacDonald had a farm in French

Frere Jacques song

Playground counting game from France

Virtually there - explore a neighbourhood in France

Virtually there - opinions and colours

The rainbow song in French



In Y3 we learn to ask how old someone is and give our age. We learn more about giving our own and asking other's opinions. We can count to 30 and say the days of the week and the months of the year. We also learn parts of the body and different foods. 

Numbers 1-10

Heads, shoulders, knees and toes

A video of a playground counting game in France

Le Fermier Dans Son Pré (The Farmer's in his Den)

The Hare and the Tortoise in French



By the end of Y4 we can talk about our family members, sports, clothes, weather and hobbies in French. We can count to 60. 

Song about clothes

Virtually there - meet the family

Virtually there - pizza party

Song about body parts

Le ragga des pingouins

The Sun and the Wind in French



In Y5 we learn about classroom items and school subjects. We learn the names of some modes of transport. We can ask and tell the time in French. 

Look at the weather forecast for France

Look at the weather forecast for Morocco

The Sun and the Wind story in French

Virtually there - my favourite hobby

A day at a primary school in Marseille



By the end of Y6 we can talk about our daily routines and our homes in French. We can count to 100. We can ask for and follow directions around places in a town. 

Virtually there - following directions

Virtually there - telling the time

Numbers in French

French alphabet



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