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This weeks' learning:

Watch the videos then complete the questions from the uploaded worksheets.
Day 1: Watch this video and complete the activity on 
Activity Prime numbers (there is no additional worksheet for today)
Day 2: 
Prime numbers
Day 3: Square numbers
Day 4: Cube numbers
Day 5: Learn your 7 and 9 times tables. 

This week we will be reading Explanation texts and recognising their features. Work through the following activities to make you familiar with this type of genre of writing.
1. Read the 'Tips for writing an explanation text'
2. Look at the explanations poster and explanation text checklist of what is included in this type of writing. 
3. Read through the uploaded explanation texts (Life cycle of a frog, The water cycle, Volcanoes) and see if you can identify the elements in the checklist, in these texts. 

Each day, read your books on Bug club. Don't forget to answer the questions where you see the bug.
Then have a go at the uploaded Fossils comprehension. Choose a 1 star, 2star or 3 star level comprehension. 

In the tab at the top of the class page, there are spellings lists for year3 and 4, year 5 and 6. Work through these spellings at your own pace. 

In Science we are learning about Charles Darwin. Read the powerpoint to learn about his life. Then using the fact sheet uploaded, use this template to help you write about Charles Darwin. 

We have been learning about earthquakes. We have read lots of information about them and answered questions about them. Watch the Oak National academy lesson on Earthquakes and see if you can complete the activities on the video HERE.

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'Through respect for all,


in a safe and supportive community, we celebrate our diversity and reach for success in all we do'.


Springfield Primary School

Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ

Main Contact:Admin Assistant | Mrs Kim Kilham-Heeks

School Business Manager | Ms Joanne Hannay