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This week's learning:

Watch the videos then answer the questions from the uploaded worksheets. 
Day 1: Recap Add lengths
Day 2: Recap Subtract lengths
Day 3: Perimeter on a grid
Day 4: Perimeter of a rectangle
Day 5: Perimeter of rectilinear shapes

Don't forget the Sumdog UK Competition has started and finishes Thursday 10th Dec at 8pm. We have qualified too! We are currently (07.12.20) 106th - keep going 

Continuing our work on earthquakes, this week we will research the following:
1. How earthquakes are measured
2. What to do when an earthquake strikes.
Research these two points using the attached information. Take notes by recording facts next to bullet points. Record any other interesting information that you find out about earth quakes. You may also want to record information as a diagram with labels. Keep this information, along with last weeks' information as it will help you when you write your explanation text next week. 


Last week, we were improving our handwriting when redrafting our work for presentation. Have a go at the following handwriting tasks saved Handwriting 1, 2, 3, 4. Watch my video to help with forming your letters accurately and also how to write on a photograph. 

Each day, read your books on Bug club. Don't forget to answer the questions where you see the bug.
Then have a go at one of the uploaded Reading Comprehension Activities.

1. Revise the Common exception words from year 3 and year 4
2. Learn the common exception words for year 5 and year 6


This week, we are continuing our learning about evolution and inheritice. Join the BBC and Chester Zoo for a live lesson at 2pm on Monday (7.12.20), all about different creatures and their different colours. Click here to watch the lesson. 

This week, we are learning about what volcanoes are and how they are formed.
Watch the Oak national academy lessons:
The first one explains How Volcanoes are made HERE
The second one How an earthquake occurs HERE

Y5 & 6 Ancient Greeks Retrieval Quiz

Design and Technlogy

Have a go at this fun bridge quiz and test your knowledge on the different parts of a bridge.


Use this board to share how you are keeping well in isolation. You can share kind messages to other members of Y5/6, or even pictures of things you have created at home! Keep safe and keep smilingsmiley

Music A great brain-break activity - enjoy! Musical Moment 

Mrs Pycroft's Maths Group
I have uploaded 4 sheets for you to practise:
1) Multiplication of 2 digit and 1 digit number.
2) Multiplication of 2 digit and 1 digit number.
3) Short division: bus stop method.
4) Timestables- then check your answers.


Files to Download

'Through respect for all,


in a safe and supportive community, we celebrate our diversity and reach for success in all we do'.


Springfield Primary School

Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ

Main Contact:Admin Assistant | Mrs Kim Kilham-Heeks

School Business Manager | Ms Joanne Hannay