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This weeks' learning:

Day 1: 
Inverse operations (addition and subtraction)
Day 2: Multi-step addition and subtraction problems
Day 3: 
Recap Interpret charts
Day 4: 
Recap Comparison, sum and difference
Day 5: 
Recap Introduce line graphs 

Read your books on Bugclub -  don't forget to answer the comprehension questions where you see the bug.

Using the fact file from last week on Greek Gods and Goddesses, I would like you to use the informaiton to write a Non-Fiction report. Use the powerpoint on How to write a Non-Chronological report, to help you plan your report and organise your information into paragraphs. Use the checklist to help you write your report and include the relevant details in your writing. 

This week we are looking at Adverbial phrases. use the Adverbial phrases explanation to learn about them. Then have a go at the quiz to see if you can identify the adverbial phrases in the sentences. See if you can write your own sentences which include an adverbial phrase. 

In Science we are learning about light. This week we are investigating how the eye sees light and about the different functions of the eye. Watch the Oak Academy lesson on How the eye sees light here. Then have a go at the quiz which follows the video. 

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'Through respect for all,


in a safe and supportive community, we celebrate our diversity and reach for success in all we do'.


Springfield Primary School

Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ

Main Contact:Admin Assistant | Mrs Kim Kilham-Heeks

School Business Manager | Ms Joanne Hannay