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Reception Starters 2024

Dear Parents/Carers of the Reception cohort 2024,

Welcome to Springfield Primary School. Thank you for chosing our school for your child's education. We look forward to your child starting with us at school next academic year.

On this page you will see updates and information to keep you informed, ready for your child starting school in September 2024. 

All parents have been sent a letter and admission pack through the post.
Please return this Admission form to the school office at your convenience before Friday 17th May 2024

Admission visits

Children and families who have a sibling in school, will be invited to an admission visit in school.
Children and families who are new to school will be offered a home visit.
Here we will collate additional information needed before your child starts school and it will be an opportunity to ask any questions that you may have during your own personal meeting.
Dates and Times for these visits will be emailed to parents shortly.


Parent meeting for new Reception children.

Date: Wednesday 12th June 2024 at 9.15am-10.15am in the school hall.
This meeting is for Parents/Carers only of children in the Reception cohort 2024. 
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting. 

July 2024 stay and play session:

Tuesday 2th July 2024 9.30-11.00am
New starters and their parents are invited to a stay and play session. Parents and children are invited to this session. Your child will have the opportunity at this session to meet their class teacher and their new class friends. As parents, it will be an opportunity to meet other parents and school staff in the adjoining room, whilst being on hand, should you child need you. 
Information from the Administration team will be presented at this meeting.

School Uniform
For information about ordering school uniform, please refer to the flyer on this page and please visit the website page to order uniform HERE

The deadline date for guaranteed delivery to school before September is June 16th.

The deadline date for guaranteed home delivery for September start is 31st July.

Reception Curriculum

For information about the Reception curriculum, please click HERE

School readiness.

All children develop at different rates and therefore children should not be put under pressure to do certain things before they start school. However, we are often asked by parents how they can support their child before they start school. Please find in the files to download a Roadmap 'The Road to school' from Sheffield City Council about the sorts of things you as families can do to support your child before they start school. 

Useful websites:

This is an app of activites of things to do as a family which are free or cost very little. The app encourages activities which are developmentally appropriate for children under the age of 5, hence the '50 things to do before you're five' If you take part in any of the activites, we would love to see them. You can send pictures or comments of your activities to the class teachers in September.
More information about this app HERE


Files to Download

'Through respect for all,


in a safe and supportive community, we celebrate our diversity and reach for success in all we do'.


Springfield Primary School

Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ

Main Contact:Admin Assistant | Mrs Kim Kilham-Heeks

School Business Manager | Ms Joanne Hannay