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Reception: Gallery

Reception - Ball Control, by Miss Cobbold

Reception - Celebrating Holi, by Miss Cobbold

Reception World Book week, by Mrs Pycroft

Planting Radish seeds, by Mrs Pycroft

Me and my family., by Mrs Shikabonga

Our first creative pictures, by Mrs Shikabonga

Our first paintings., by Mrs Shikabonga

Butterflies, by Ms Abdillahi

People who help us visits, by Ms Mathews

Making Porridge, by Ms Abdillahi

Remembrance Day, by Ms Abdillahi

Children In Need day, by Ms Abdillahi

Growing, by Ms Abdillahi

Reading and library Morning., by Ms Abdillahi

Diwali Diva lamps, by Ms Abdillahi

The Gingerbread man, by Ms Abdillahi

Reception Sports Day, by Mrs Beauchamp

Science Week, by Mrs Wallace

Butterflies, by Mrs Beauchamp

'Through respect for all,


in a safe and supportive community, we celebrate our diversity and reach for success in all we do'.


Springfield Primary School

Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ

Main Contact:Admin Assistant | Mrs Kim Kilham-Heeks

School Business Manager | Ms Joanne Hannay