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Week commencing 26.04.21

Remember to practise your timestables and spellings each day.
The Y3/4 and Y5/6 National Curriculum words can be found in the 'Reading and spelling key words' tab at the top of the Year 5/6T class page.



Day 1: Arithmetic calculations - test 1

Day 2: Decimals as fractions

Day 3: Sheffield Sumdog contest - Can we beat our last performance?

Day 4: Arithmetic calculations - test 2

Day 5: 6x times table and decimals as fractions



Day 1: Bugclub reading 

Day 2: 60 minute read: God Save the Queen

Day 3: The Selfish Giant

Day 4: Michael Morpurgo (who wrote Kensuke's Kingdom) - Choose your level of challenge from * = easy ** = middle *** = harder       The answers are uploaded as well.

Day 5: Bugclub reading



Day 1: Spelling pattern - Silent letters 

Watch the PowerPoint presentation on silent letters and then complete the uploaded TASK

Day 2: SPaG Mat 1

Day 3: SPaG Mat 2

Day 4: How to write a short story. Watch this LINK to find out about how to plan and structure your story.

Day 5: Have a go at writing your own short story on something you know about. Use the above BBC Bitesize link to help you. Take the story writing quiz here: 


This week we will be thinking about a time when we have felt embarrassed and what it felt like. We are also learning some things to do when I feel embarrassed that will not make things worse. 

Watch the POWERPOINT and then complete the uploaded TASK - lesson 2.



This week we will be learning to identify the main parts of the human circulatory system and explain their functions. Click on this LINK to find out how our heart and circulatory system work.

We are learning that the human circulatory system is composed of 2 parts - the systemic circulation and the pulmonary circulation. We are learning about the role of the heart, blood vessels, and the components of blood such as red and white blood cells, platelets and plasma. 

TASK - Use the uploaded writing frame, to create an information text on the human circulatory system using what you have learned.


Monday: Join the Slice N' Walk N' Pop Party
Thursday: Manage Frustration then switch On & Off 


This term, we will be looking at how different religions respond to global issues of human rights, fairness, social justice and the importance of the environment. This week, we will look at what justice is.

Read through the POWERPOINT and then read the uploaded ‘Exodus Story’ to help you with your task.

Files to Download

'Through respect for all,


in a safe and supportive community, we celebrate our diversity and reach for success in all we do'.


Springfield Primary School

Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ

Main Contact:Admin Assistant | Mrs Kim Kilham-Heeks

School Business Manager | Ms Joanne Hannay