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This week's suggested timetable:

Remember to practise your timestables and spellings each day.
The Y3/4 and Y5/6 National Curriculum words can be found in the 'Reading and spelling key words' tab at the top of the Year 5/6T class page.



Day 1: Bank Holiday
Day 2: Adding decimals within 1
Day 3: Calculating fractions of a quantity
Day 4: Subtracting decimals within 1
Day 5: Complements to 1

Remember, you can practise your skills on Sumdog and Times Table Rocks Stars. Log in and have a go! I can see the progress that you are making. 


Day 1: Bank Holiday
Day 2: Bug Club: You have a range of levelled fiction, non-fiction and poetry books in your Bug Club library. Remember, wherever you see a bug there is a question waiting to be answered!
Day 3: 60 minute read: Mary Queen of Scots Murder Trial. 
Day 4: Ancient City Discovered - First News Comprehension.
Day 5: Say What? - First News Comprehension.

Day 1: Bank Holiday

Day 2: Spelling – practise the common exception words for Y1/2, Y3/4, Y5/6. Use the uploaded spelling activities to help you to remember and recall the words. 

Day 3: SPaG – We are learning to punctuate dialogue / direct speech. 
Watch the video. Choose either the Y3 Prairie Dog , Y4 Bee Eater or Y5 Giraffe activity. Then complete the ‘Word Challenge’. Click on ‘The Grammar Bit’ to revise how to write direct speech accurately.

Day 4: Watch the video again, and then complete the ‘Whiteboard Challenges’

Day 5: Complete the uploaded ‘Nature Worksheet’ TASK - There is one for Y3 Prairie Dog , Y4 Bee Eater or Y5 Giraffe 

Also, why not have a go at the uploaded MAY SPaG challenge!



Day 1: Bank Holiday
Day 2: Read the uploaded short story - Shards of Glass. Try to summarise it (retell main points) in as few words as possible.
Day 3: Look at the uploaded features of a short story. Can you find them in the stories you have read? Click HERE to watch tips on how to start and end a story. 
Day 4: Plan a short story. Look at the uploaded ideas for a short story to use or use the Meerkat's short story plan. Draw your story out in a map like the one below to help. 

Meerkat short story plan.

Day 5: Write your short story. Use the uploaded WAGOLL to help you. It shows the first couple of paragraphs to get you going.


A couple of different activities to choose from this week.  Remember to complete the daily activities on the uploaded May PE calendar too!
*Click HERE to join in with one of Coach Meger's 15 minute workouts. If you're feeling super energetic click HERE for another one. 
*Squish the Fish! Click HERE for a Cosmic Kids Yoga adventure.


This week we will be learning how the human heart works - that the human heart is a vital organ, how blood flows through its double pumps system to the lungs and all around the body, supplying oxygen and removing waste products. Click HERE and HERE for the science bits! Your TASK is to create an 8-part explanation text showing how blood is pumped around the body. You can cut and paste, or write, your own descriptions.


This week we will be thinking about thinking about a time when we have felt embarrassed and what it felt like. We will also be learning some things to do when we feel embarrassed that will not make things worse. Watch the POWERPOINT and then complete the uploaded TASK.


Comment es-tu? What do you look like? Use the uploaded ‘Comment et-tu?’ POWERPOINT to revise words for hair and eyes and then learn how to describe these facial features. Then complete the uploaded ‘The Incredibles’ TASK.


This term, we will be looking at how different religions respond to global issues of human rights, fairness, social justice and the importance of the environment. This week, we will identify the concept of justice by reading a range of stories. 

Read through the POWERPOINT and then read the uploaded ‘Holy Cakes’ story to help you complete the ‘What is Justice?’ TASK.


We hope you have a great week of learning Y5/6.

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