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This weeks' learning has been split up into days.

Watch the video, then complete the questions from the uploaded worksheet. 
Day 1: Decimals up 2 d.p. (Recap)
Day 2: Understand thousandths (Recap)
Day 3: Three decimal places
Day 4: Multiply 10, 100, 1000
Day 5: Divide 10,100, 1000

We have uploaded the answers for this week's activities so you can mark your own. Play the roll of the teacher and do this before sending it to us. We will then have a look at how you have done, and feedback as soon as we are able.  We can help with any misconceptions you may have.

Revision: As last week, we have uploaded a couple of fraction revision sheets as requested by some of you.


Since we have recently been watching the David Walliams' films at lunchtime, we thought you might enjoy reading activities based on another one of his books - 'Demon Dentist'. CLICK HERE to access all the activities. We would love to know what you think!

Day 1: To engage with the text
Day 2: To answer questions on the text (Part 1)
Day 3: To analyse characters
Day 4: To answer questions on the text (Part 2)
Day 5: To analyse the author's use of language

You also have a range of allocated books on Bug Club. Remember, wherever you see a bug there is a question waiting to be answered!


In our writing this week, we will be using bullet points and semicolons in a list.

Day 1: CLICK HERE to watch the video which revises how to use bullet points in a list, and then complete the three activities
Day 2: CLICK HERE to watch a video (yes we know it is KS3!) explaining how to use semicolons in a list and have a go at completing the activity - don't worry if it's a bit tricky, you will be doing lots more work on this!
Day 3: Revise how to use semicolons, again, then complete the tasks in the powerpoint.
Day 4 & 5: Please practise this week's spellings. Look at the uploaded spelling strategies sheet to remind you of the different ways to learn them. Please make sure you understand the meaning of each word too.


In writing we will be reading and studying the book Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.

Day 1: Complete SPaG Day 1.

Day 2: Look at the different front covers of Kensuke's Kingdom.

Read Chapter 1 - Peggy Sue (up to page 12) You can listen to it being read HERE and it has also been uploaded for you to read yourself. 

Using bullet points/ semicolons for a list, write in paragraphs listing everything you would need to take with you to travel around the world.


Day 3: Read the rest of Chapter 1 - Peggy Sue. STORY CLICK HERE

Look at the uploaded vocabulary definition sheet and answer the reading comprehension questions.

Day 4: Summarising Chapter 1 

You will be learning to summarise the main events / points in a text. This will help prepare for the writing of the recount tomorrow - see uploaded worksheets LESSON STARTER CLICK HERE

Day 5: Write in role as Michael and recount what has happened

LESSON STARTER CLICK HERE - see the uploaded sheet for support


The above piece of writing is from a previous child.

Use this and my example (WAGOLL which is uploaded) to help you write the first part. 


"Get those feet off the ground!" Keep exercising like we have been doing in class!

Monday: Everyone's favourite Banana Banana Meatballs
                Challenge yourself with High Velocity
                Rest your brain From Mindless to Mindful
Thursday: Try this 10 minute games activity Tokyo Ten - Be Boulder. See the uploaded sheet.


CLICK HERE  to find out how more information on how to draw electrical symbols and diagrams. We have also uploaded an Electric Circuit activity for you to complete.


The topic for PSHCE this term is, 'Going for Goals'. We have uploaded a powerpoint and an activity sheet for you to complete.


We have uploaded an information text about the composer Claude Debussy  There are also two links for you to music that he composed (one is being played by a different musician) that you may want to listen to. After that, there is also a reading comprehension that you may want to complete.


Please revise the actions for classroom instructions.


You can use this board to share how you are keeping in lockdown. You can share kind messages to other members of Y5/6, or even pictures of things you have created at home. Keep safe and keep smiling! smiley


Look at the uploaded diagrams of sailing boats. Draw you own boat and label the different parts.


These are examples of what a good one looks like (WAGOLL).

Have a great week of learning! smiley

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Springfield Primary School

Cavendish Street, Sheffield S3 7RZ

Main Contact:Admin Assistant | Mrs Kim Kilham-Heeks

School Business Manager | Ms Joanne Hannay